ESG Reporting Hub

Keep up to date with our latest sustainability reports, performance and data.

Sustainability sits at the heart of our business model and is core to our Purpose of Redefining Packaging for a Changing World. We are proud of our Now and Next Sustainability Strategy, which focuses on Circularity, Carbon, People & Communities and Nature.

As we Redefine Packaging for a Changing World and accelerate the transition to a low carbon, circular economy, we are committed to sharing our progress with our suite of sustainability reports, which cover a range of ESG (environmental, social and governance) topics and are updated annually.

In January 2025, we joined the International Paper family, creating a truly global leader in sustainable packaging solutions. Together we remain committed to creating a more sustainable future.

Independent assurance

Deloitte have provided independent third-party limited assurance in accordance with the International Standard for Assurance Engagements 3000 (ISAE 3000) and Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements (ISAE 3410) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) over the selected information, identified with * in the above table, and other selected information relating to carbon, energy, water, waste, production and employee diversity identified with * within the DS Smith Annual Report 2024, DS Smith Sustainability Report 2024, DS Smith Net Zero Transition Plan 2024 and DS Smith ESG Databook 2024.

Bureau Veritas provided independent verification to a limited level of assurance for the 2019/20 base year used for our science-based target.

ESG reporting standards

Our reports are prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. For the fourth year running, we have implemented the SASB Containers & Packaging industry standard, providing investors with consistent, comparable and reliable information on the ESG factors most relevant to financial performance and enterprise value.

Basis of preparation

Unlike financial accounting, practices for reporting non-financial information are still evolving and therefore it is important to transparently explain the approach we have taken for reporting ESG information. Our basis of preparation sets out how selected ESG information is prepared and reported in the DS Smith Annual Report 2024, DS Smith Sustainability Report 2024 and DS Smith ESG Databook 2024.

Other reports

We respond annually to CDP, where detailed disclosure and analysis of our Climate Change, Forests and Water Security performance can be found.

Our Annual Report and our investor relations webpages communicate detailed financial performance alongside corporate governance policies and disclosures, including UK Gender Pay reporting, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement and other Corporate Governance policies

Our triennial materiality analysis informs how we prioritise the ESG topics that are addressed in our Now and Next Sustainability Strategy and in our sustainability report. The analysis can be found in our latest Sustainability Report. We continue to listen to the rapidly changing world around us in our dialogue with stakeholders so that our priorities remain relevant and meet stakeholder expectations.