
Health and Safety

Having a modern, diverse, motivated and engaged workforce where everyone is given the opportunity to realise their potential is fundamental to our business success.

We want to ‘Redefine packaging for a changing world’ and are passionate about working together to create an even better place to work for our colleagues and a successful business that consistently innovates and delights our customers.

Ensuring the safety of all

We are never complacent about health and safety and this year we reflected on our health and safety strategy, with the aim to reinforce a culture and ambition of zero accidents.

Vision Zero

Under the banner of ‘Vision Zero’ our strategy covers four key areas (leadership, engagement, systems/processes and culture), setting overall goals, activities and KPIs to monitor implementation and effectiveness. One of our strategic goals this year was a commitment regarding our site managers and ensuring their participation on our bespoke health and safety Leadership On-Boarding Programme. Fifteen sessions, in seven different languages have taken place with 170 site managers participating. As a result of this programme and other initiatives, we saw a significant improvement in positive employee survey responses regarding their manager’s behaviour and commitment to health and safety. Other initiatives included our Group-wide auditing programme; creating and deploying new technical health and safety minimum standards and introducing a new pro-active KPI — our health and safety engagement rate. This measures the number of near misses/safety observations per person — hence our people’s engagement with seeing and raising health and safety standards. This commitment and drive has resulted in us achieving all our annual Vision Zero goal KPIs and consequently a 23 per cent reduction in our Lost Time Accidents, with 265 sites achieving zero accidents.

Health and Safety indicators

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS  2018/19Reportedproforma3Variance vs. proforma

Total LTAs1

112 126  146 -23%
AFR2 2.3 2.8 3.0 -23%

1. Lost Time Accident (LTA): number of accidents resulting in lost time of one shift or more

2. Accident Frequency Rate (AFR): number of LTAs per million hours worked

3. Pro forma data based on inclusion of the businesses acquired, included in 2018/19 and not in the reported 2017/18 figures