DS Smith Brand Logo: Tecnicarton


As a company concern about our customers' needs, certification is a step forward, in our determination for fulfilling these needs

By a third party certification, Tecnicarton assures that, each and every product, and process, is made meeting the highest standards and in the same way, (thus eliminating the possible deviations), taking care of the environment, and in a safety manner. Certification, by means, allows us, not just to say we do things, but to demonstrate that in fact, we do them.

  • ISO 9001, Quality Management Systems

Thanks to the implementation of a Quality Management System according to UNE-EN ISO 9001, the organization demonstrates its ability to consistently provide products or services that meet customer requirements and regulatory requirements applicable.

  • ISO 14001, the focus of environmental management

The implementation of an Environmental Management System according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001, offers the possibility to systematize, in a more simple way, the environmental aspects generated in each of the activities taking place in the organization, and promote environmental protection and the prevention of pollution from a viewpoint of balance with socio-economic aspects.

  • OHSAS 18001, Occupational Health and Safety

OHSAS 18001 specifies requirements for a management system for Occupational Health and Safety (OSH), designed to enable an organization to control its risks and improve its performance.

  • UNE 166001, requirements of a R + D + I project

To facilitate the systematization of research, development and innovation in R + D + I projects, and to help defining, documenting and developing R + D + I projects, improve their management and communication between stakeholders .

  • ISO 22000, Food Safety

UNE-EN 22000 specifies the requirements to be met by a management system to ensure food safety along the entire food chain up to the sale point as final consumption.